31 Oktober 2009

The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), through the British Council in Indonesia, has now opened the application window for Chevening Scholarship Awards for the 2010/11 academic year. These scholarships will provide full funding for one year Masters (S2) programmes in the UK starting in September 2010.

Over the last 20 years, the Chevening programme has provided scholarships to more than a 1000 Indonesian scholars who have studied a variety of subjects ranging from journalism to environmental studies at the UK’s leading Universities.
This year the Chevening Scholarship award scheme is seeking up to 20 outstanding Indonesian candidates for this prestigious award scheme. Candidates should have an excellent first degree (GPA>=3.0), at least 2 years full-time work experience , strong communication skills in both written and spoken English (IELTS 6.5) and be able to demonstrate leadership potential. Candidates from Eastern Indonesia are particularly encouraged to apply and we are keen to receive applications to study in the fields of: Climate Change and Forestry, Counter-Terrorism and International Security, Democracy and Governance, Religion and Islamic Studies, Economic Reform and International Trade, Human Rights, Conflict, Justice and Peace-Building.
This year all candidates must make online applications at www.chevening.com
Applications must be submitted until 31 December 2009.
Notes to editors:
1. The Chevening Scholarship programme is the UK Government’s scholarship scheme aimed at enabling future leaders, high achievers, opinion formers and decision-makers to study in the UK. The programme is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and administered by the British Council.
2. Further information on Chevening Scholars is available on our websites www.ukinindonesia.fco.gov.uk, www.britishcouncil.or.id and www.chevening.com
3. For further information on Chevening Scholars’ press release please contact British Council’s Media Relations Officer Ms. Eka Wahyuni at eka.wahyuni@britishcouncil.or.id or British Embassy’s Head of Media and Communications Section Ms. Faye Belnis at 0816 187 9167
The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are a registered charity; 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). We build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people worldwide.

3 September 2009

2010 – 2011 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program Global UGRAD

Program Description:

The Office of Academic Exchange Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U. S. Department of State, is pleased to announce a new exchange program for undergraduate students-the 2010 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD)
The Global UGRAD Program provides scholarships for one semester or one academic year of U.S. Study in a NON-DEGREE Program. The goals of the program are to provide a diverse group of emerging student leaders, from non-elite and underrepresented groups in Indonesia and East Asia.
All global UGRAD Program participants will be enrolled full-time in undergraduate course work chosen from the institution’s (US) existing curriculum to allow students ample opportunity for ongoing interaction with U.S. Faculty and student peers, and for exposure to U.S. academic and classroom culture..

To ensure that students succeed in their new academic environments, host institutions will offer tailored instruction on topics including academic research and writing, critical thinking, time management, note taking, and studying for and taking tests. Participants will live on campus with American peers.
Students will also be provided with opportunities to participate in up to ten hours of community service per semester. Additionally, an internship component will be offered to all academic-year participants during the academic component of the program. Internships will be related to each participant’s field of study and/or career plans.

Participants may be eligible for up to 4 weeks of intensive English Language instruction in the United States prior to the start of academic portion of their program.
1/ Scholarships will be granted to students who currently are enrolled in S-1 degree programs only, and have completed their first semester and up to their firth semester of undergraduate study at an Indonesian university.

2/ Applicants should demonstrate leadership potential through academic work, community involvement, and extracurricular activities.

3/ Applicants must have minimum Institutional TOEFL score of 500-score less than two years old. In some cases a personal interview by a fluent qualified Native English Speaker who can confirm that the nominee would be able to achieve that score when tested is acceptable. Candidates must also meet all the requirements of the institution where admission is being sought.

4/ Preference will be given to those who have had little or NO experience in the U.S. or outside of their home countries.

5/ Applications can be for either for one semester or two semesters based on nominee’s availability. No applications should be submitted for both one semester and full year programs.

6/ Applicants are required to return to Indonesia after the completion of the one or two semester program.
Submission of Applications
An original application and two copies should be submitted to the address below by: November 1, 2009
American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)
Gedung Balai Pustaka Lt. 6
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4, Jakarta 10720
Tel. 021- 3452016
Applications are available at the AMINEF offices or can also be downloaded from AMINEF website at here
For additional information, contact:

We do not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or delivered to American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF).

28 Juli 2009

sumber: dari milis...

Antara Pernikahan & Kematian
Apakah Pernikahan ; Pernikahan adalah misteri. Dengan siapa kita menikah, dimana dan kapan adalah rahasia Allah SWT. Orang yang melangsungkan pernikahan tentunya orang yang mempunyai kesiapan material dan kesiapan psikologis. Kesiapan material adalah kesiapan sejauh mana kemampuan finansial mendukung berjalannya bahtera rumah tangga. Sedangkan kesiapan psikologis adalah kesiapan visi dan misi pernikahan, kemampuan menahan goncangan jika keluarga di timpa masalah, pengaturan watak orang tua terhadap anak, kesabaran, kepercayaan, kasih sayang, dll. Yang tentunya semuanya adalah penunjang menuju ”Sakinah Mawaddah Warahmah”
Kematian ; Kematian juga adalah misteri. Kapan kita meninggal, dimana dan di karenakan apa. Juga merupakan rahasia Allah SWT. Kematian bisa terjadi pada siapa saja, bukan di karenakan oleh faktor tua, namun penyebab kematian juga berbeda-beda. Bahkan tak akan ada yang luput dari kematian, meskipun kemudian engkau lari sejauh-jauhnya, bersembunyi di tempat gelap yang segelap-gelapnya. Engkaupun pasti akan dikembalikan kepada Allah SWT.
Katakanlah: “Sesungguhnya kematian yang kamu lari daripadanya, maka sesungguhnya kematian itu akan menemui kamu, kemudian kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (Allah), yang mengetahui yang gaib dan yang nyata, lalu Dia beritakan kepadamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.” (QS. 62:8)
Namun, dimanakah letak perbadaanya ?
Pernikahan, semua orang akan mempersiapkan pernikahan jauh hari sebelum pelaksanaanya. Rumah sudah dipersiapkan, kendaraan, tabungan, betul-betul di persiapkan secara matang serta mendetail. Target umur untuk menikah, target pencapaian Status Kerja, target Finasial. Namun bertolak belakang dengan Kematian. Banyak orang tidak mempersiapkan kematian seperti mempersiapkan pernikahan. Sejauh mana ibadah kita akan diterima Allah SWT. Mulai dari shalat yang terlambat dan terkadang tidak dikerjakan. Padahal shalat adalah lebih besar keutamaannya dari ibadah yang lain.
…Sesungguhnya shalat itu mencegah dari (perbuatan- perbuatan) keji dan mungkar. Dan sesungguhnya mengingat Allah (shalat) adalah lebih besar (keutamaannya dari ibadat-ibadat yang lain ) Dan Allah mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan” (Q.S 29:45)
Kurangnya menjadikan Al-Qur’an menjadi bacaan utama di banding bacaan lainya. Ketika Novel bisa di baca selama berjam-jam. Lantas untuk membaca Al-Qur’an terasa berat meskipun hanya untuk 2 ayat. Sulitnya mengeluarkan zakat, infaq & sedekah. Meskipun mampu membeli makanan dengan menghabiskan uang ratusan ribu rupiah dalam semalam, namun betapa sulit untuk menyumbang masjid.
Dan dirikanlah shalat dan tunaikanlah zakat. Dan kebaikan apa saja yang kamu usahakan bagi dirimu, tentu kamu akan mendapat pahala nya pada sisi Allah. Sesungguhnya Alah Maha Melihat apa-apa yang kamu kerjakan”. (Q.S.2:110)
Lantas sejauh manakah kesiapan kita dalam mempersiapkan kematian itu ? semestinya inilah yang seharusnya menjadi pertanyaan besar di benak manusia. Sejauh mana kesiapan itu kita persiapkan. Hingga kelak ketika kematian menghampiri setidaknya kita punya modal untuk menghadap kepada Allah SWT.
”Cukuplah kematian menjadi pelajaran”...
Muhammad Arafah, ST
(Kamis 160709. Jam 20.10 WIT. Sejenak terdiam, betapa mudahnya kematian itu terjadi)
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